US scholars push for energizing China research amid challenging atmosphere at home

Editor's Note:

As two of the world's largest economies, the US and China hold a unique position on the global stage. However, recent geopolitical tensions and misunderstandings have highlighted the need for deeper cultural and academic exchanges. At the recent US Sinologists Conference in China, scholars gathered to discuss the evolving field of sinology amid these challenging times. This article explores the current state and future directions of sinology in the US, examining how the field contributes to fostering mutual understanding and cooperation. Through the experiences and perspectives of contemporary US sinologists, we delve into how US-China relations impact academic research and, conversely, how sinological studies can promote greater understanding and dialogue between the two nations. Despite challenges, these scholars are committed to advancing academic and cultural exchanges, which remain vital for bridging divides and enhancing cooperation.

Visitors wait to have a look at giant pandas Yun Chuan and Xin Bao, the first to enter the US in over two decades, at the San Diego Zoo on August 8, 2024. Photo: VCG

Visitors wait to have a look at giant pandas Yun Chuan and Xin Bao, the first to enter the US in over two decades, at the San Diego Zoo on August 8, 2024. Photo: VCG

At a latest US Sinologists Conference held in Qingdao, East China's Shandong Province, more than 100 experts from China and the US gathered to discuss the current situation of sinology and Chinese studies. After reflecting on the unprecedented challenges and opportunities facing sinology in the US, they recognized that the field now stands at a critical juncture.

"The US and China are two of the most important nations in the world, each of them with glorious cultural traditions. But unfortunately, right now, there's a lot of misunderstanding between the two cultures," Bryan Van Norden, James Monroe Taylor chair in philosophy at Vassar College, told the Global Times during the conference held at the World Sinology Center in Qingdao.

"The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates said the only real cause of evil is ignorance. That's perhaps a little too idealistic, but it's certainly true that much conflict and much hatred in the world stems simply from ignorance and failure to understand others," Norden said, lamenting on the declining opportunities in the US for China studies.

Keith Knapp, professor of History at the Military College of South Carolina, concurred with Norden's perspective, noting, "The US and China are the two largest economies and the two most powerful countries in the world. Many global issues require the cooperation of these two countries. If there are misunderstandings, it could not only impact the two countries but the world."

Members of a tour group of teachers and students from Iowa, the US, visit the Badaling Great Wall in Beijing on June 11, 2024. Photo: VCG

Members of a tour group of teachers and students from Iowa, the US, visit the Badaling Great Wall in Beijing on June 11, 2024. Photo: VCG

A challenging path

Operating in more than 160 countries worldwide, the US Department of State's Fulbright Program provides US students and scholars the opportunity to study, teach, or conduct research abroad, as well as brings international students and scholars to the US. However, the US government suspended the Fulbright China Program in 2020. According to the US Department of State-funded "2023 Open Doors Report," only 211 US students studied in China during the 2021-22 academic year. Several experts at the conference stressed the importance of allowing young scholars to visit China and see the country with their own eyes.

Speaking from his personal experience, Tristan Brown, a historian of early modern China and self-identified foodie, recalled that it was only after visiting China for the first time that he realized, as a child in the US, he had only been exposed to US-style Chinese food, which isn't authentic Chinese cuisine. "But after coming to China, I discovered that true Chinese cuisine is incredibly diverse, with various regional styles or the Eight Great Culinary Traditions."

John Osburg, associate professor of Anthropology at the University of Rochester, whose research focuses on contemporary Chinese society, found studying contemporary China particularly challenging. 

"By the time you publish your research findings, they are often already outdated, reflecting a China from five or 10 years ago," said Osburg, explaining why keeping research aligned with the current state of Chinese society without actually visiting China is quite difficult.

Osburg also emphasized the significance of having a platform for exchanging ideas with Chinese scholars for US sinologists. However, for him at the University of Rochester, which has only a few professors specializing in China, this opportunity is limited.

The shortage of Chinese scholars at the University of Rochester is not an isolated issue. Terry Kleeman, professor emeritus at the University of Colorado Boulder, pointed out that given the tension in US-China relations, there has been less support for sinology programs at universities. At the same time, the number of students wanting to study in the field has also decreased. In contrast, the number of students studying Japanese or Korean studies has increased significantly. "The situation of sinology in the US is perhaps not the most optimistic," he said.

After spending "17 unforgettable years" at the Brookings Institution's John L. Thornton China Center and one to two years of consideration, Li Cheng, the former director of the center, finally decided to accept a teaching position at the University of Hong Kong in 2023. Li said Washington had become increasingly unfamiliar to him, with McCarthyism making a comeback in the US. For Chinese Americans like him, life in the US has become "more uncomfortable."

Brown suggested that the declining interest in humanities among US students also poses a challenge to sinology's prospects. 

"Compared to 20 years ago, when pursuing a major in history at a top university like Harvard was more accepted and graduates could still find jobs, today's students are more practical and concerned about job prospects post-graduation."

"Becoming a sinologist is a challenging path. It requires many years of studying the Chinese language and Chinese history, which are complex and not easy to master," he added. In addition to the lack of available teaching positions and opportunities related to sinology in the US, universities tend to favor candidates who specialize in modern Chinese studies when hiring for Chinese studies jobs. There are even more limited opportunities for scholars specializing in ancient periods like the Tang (618-907) or Song (960-1279) dynasties.

Chinese and American youths plant friendship trees during the

Chinese and American youths plant friendship trees during the "Bond with Kuliang: 2024 China-US Youth Festival" in Fuzhou, Fujian Province on June 24, 2024. Photo: VCG

China fulfilling its part

Kleeman, who specializes in Chinese religion, particularly Taoism, pointed out that there are very few English translations of books on Taoism. 

"We need to do more translations. However, it's not just about understanding the Chinese language; you also need to understand Taoist culture, which requires guidance from a teacher. Unfortunately, in major universities in the US, there are few people continuing to do this." 

To Kleeman, the future of Taoist studies in the US looks bleak. 

"I have already retired, Steven Bokenkamp is about to retire, and Kenneth Dean is in Singapore," he said. He expressed concern that this will affect the cultivation of the next generation of sinologists specializing in Taoism.

Despite these challenges, the field of sinology is not without innovation and opportunities. The World Sinology Center is working on digitizing the books in its library to share these resources with sinologists around the world, including in the US, which will surely benefit sinologists' research.  

Following the conference, some Chinese scholars and US sinologists attended a symposium at the center and engaged in an in-depth discussion on addressing the severe challenge of the declining number of sinology researchers in the US. They proposed various cooperative mechanisms, including establishing sinology centers in the US and promoting Chinese language and culture education from the basic education level. Additionally, they suggested implementing short-term study programs and credit recognition mechanisms to encourage more US students to conduct research in China, enhancing their language skills and cultural literacy. There was also a call for the introduction of more cross-cultural teaching models in higher education, such as co-teaching by Chinese and US teachers.

Some sinologists have observed the growing need for an emphasis on interdisciplinary studies. Grant Rhode, a senior lecturer at the Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University, told the Global Times that one cannot gain a more nuanced understanding of China and China's role in the world "without looking in-depth at so many different disciplines, whether it be economics and politics, the history of diplomacy, even psychology and anthropology. The cultural aspects are very important as well as the economic and political aspects." He said this holistic approach is more crucial than ever.

Young performers celebrate the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the US with a traditional Chinese music and dance performance in Washington DC on July 16, 2024. Photo: VCG

Young performers celebrate the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the US with a traditional Chinese music and dance performance in Washington DC on July 16, 2024. Photo: VCG

The future of past allies

"The exchange program in China in 2007 really changed my life, leading me to study the Chinese language and then Chinese history," Brown said, reflecting on where it all started for him becoming a sinologist when he got an opportunity to take part in an exchange program in a high school in East China's Zhejiang Province. He felt it was a shame that there seem to be fewer such exchange programs between China and the US in recent years.

Luckily, in November 2023, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced in San Francisco that China was ready to invite 50,000 young Americans to China on exchange and study programs over the next five years. Some young US students have already begun visiting China under this initiative.

"Not only did you invite us here, but you also found ways to bring more students and graduate students. I think China has done quite well in this regard. I hope the US can also similarly welcome Chinese students back and make it easier for them to return," said Judith Shapiro, director of the MA program in Natural Resources and Sustainable Development at American University. One of the first Americans to live in China following the normalization of China-US relations, Shapiro taught English at Hunan Teachers' College in Changsha, Central China's Hunan Province.  

Brown said that learning Chinese language and culture is a lifelong process. He has always encouraged his students to see China with their own eyes by visiting it, noting that if they take more time to learn about China's history, their experience will be even more rewarding. 

"But I also tell them that they can never be fully prepared, because China's culture and history are so rich, and there's always something new going on here."

Meanwhile, in its most recent advisory from April, the US maintained a Level Three alert for travel to China, which advises against visiting unless necessary, discouraging ordinary Americans from visiting China.

"I cannot change the world or the state of China-US relations, but I can make a small difference in my class. By helping students understand some aspects of China's history or culture, I find it to be very meaningful," said Brown.

The emphasis on cultural exchange and mutual understanding has been echoed by many scholars. Norden said he was excited to meet many scholars interested in both China and how the West studies China. He added, "I've also been impressed with how many graduate students are here and are learning about both Western studies of China, but also trying to understand ways in which we systematically misunderstand one another and try to promote more constructive dialogue."

Norden hoped for an expansion in the field of sinology, but also for "real appreciation by people, both ordinary people and scholars in China and the US." 

"We all recall that the US and China were allies in World War II and can both take pride in defeating fascism around the world. I look forward to a future in which the United States and China are again allies. And I think part of what is necessary for that is a greater investment in understanding each other's culture. So it cannot be a useful strategy regardless of your political persuasion to be ignorant of other world powers. I look forward to a future in which there is greater understanding between the two cultures guided by scholarship and government support on both sides of the Pacific," he said.

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