UAE's Ministry of Economy and ADDED launch ‘Global Future Trade Leaders Programme’

The Ministry of Economy, in partnership with the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED), has launched the Global Future Trade Leaders Programme.

The programme is a national initiative aimed at boosting the productive engagement of young government officials in various sectors of the nation's foreign trade agenda, including supporting its preparations for hosting the WTO's 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) in Abu Dhabi in February 2024 and multilateral trade engagement thereafter.

The programme launch builds on the increasingly central role of foreign trade for the UAE leadership as it seeks to diversify the economy, fast-track GDP growth, and facilitate next-generation talent and innovation, which has been translated through the country's programme of Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreements (CEPAs) in recent months - reducing trade barriers and strengthening ties with strategic nations - and led to record growth in non-oil trade volume by 14.4% to reach more than AED1.2 trillion during the first half of 2023.

The comprehensive training programme, which features both knowledge-based and experiential learning, aims to provide its participants with the specialised knowledge, experience, and skills necessary to participate effectively in these successes today and in the future.

A total of 30 young Emiratis, who are currently working in federal and local government entities, UAE free zones and other related agencies engaged in global trade, are enrolled on the programme that will last three months.

Commenting on the programme, Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Minister of State for Foreign Trade and MC13 Chair, stressed the critical role the UAE's young trade professionals have in advancing the nation's foreign trade ambitions, which targets growth to AED4 trillion by 2031, and seeks to foster a global trading system that is fair, equitable and sustainable for all nations.

Al Zeyoudi said, "In the rapidly changing global trade environment, the UAE recognises the crucial role of our emerging trade professionals in transforming geopolitical, environmental, and technological challenges into opportunities for sustained growth. Today, we launch the Global Future Trade Leaders Programme to equip these future trade strategists with the necessary skills to navigate and influence this dynamic landscape."

"The programme embodies the UAE's proactive approach to change and will significantly contribute to our commitment to cultivating a modern, inclusive and sustainable global trading system that benefits all nations. Trade is the engine of growth, and by involving a new generation of UAE trade leaders in high-level programmes and key global forums, such as the MC13 in February, we are demonstrating our national commitment to trade as a unifying force for global economic progress," Dr. Thani added.

Ahmed Jassim Al Zaabi, Chairman of ADDED, said, "The UAE continues to strengthen its position as a global hub for trade, business, and investments. In Abu Dhabi, we have launched various initiatives to facilitate trade and ensure ease of doing business by reducing time, costs, and requirements, simplifying procedures, and enabling seamless integration of government services, which helped increase trade volumes."

"Human development is paramount to us. We believe the Future UAE Global Trade Leaders Programme will equip our young talents with the skills to ensure an impactful legacy for the UAE at the international trade stage, contributing to our transition to a smart, diversified, and sustainable economy."

He added that this programme is vital to strengthening and diversifying the economy and ensuring that UAE continues to have the right talents and skills to maintain its position as a global trade leader.

The Global Future Trade Leaders Programme will see candidates benefit from a series of masterclass sessions led by experts from international and national entities including the WTO, World Economic Forum, UNCTAD, OECD and Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy, covering a range of trade-related topics from trade policy and financing to digital and sustainable trade. They will also have the opportunity to network with senior UAE government officials.

Furthermore, the programme will provide hands-on training to candidates through several site visits to the UAE's leading trade organisations, including Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA) and KEZAD Group, a subsidiary of AD Ports Group, in addition to networking sessions with a number the UAE's foreign business councils.

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