Disneyland expands with Marvel

Rendering of Shanghai Disneyland's new Spider-Man-themed attraction: Shanghai Disney Resort has unveiled its first major Marvel attraction: a high-speed Spider-Man roller coaster. Announced at the D23 Disney Experiences Showcase,<strong></strong> this immersive, thrilling ride will be located near the Zootopia-themed land. Photo: Shanghai Disney Resort

Rendering of Shanghai Disneyland's new Spider-Man-themed attraction: Shanghai Disney Resort has unveiled its first major Marvel attraction: a high-speed Spider-Man roller coaster. Announced at the D23 Disney Experiences Showcase, this immersive, thrilling ride will be located near the Zootopia-themed land. Photo: Shanghai Disney Resort

Shanghai Disney Resort announced Sunday that it will introduce a new Spider-Man-themed attraction, its first major Marvel-themed addition, coming just eight months after the opening of the Zootopia-themed area.

The new attraction will introduce a high-energy roller coaster themed around the iconic Marvel superhero, Spider-Man. This high-speed, fully immersive ride is designed to thrill adventure seekers and Marvel fans alike. 

The new attraction will take guests on a high-speed adventure alongside Spider-Man as he finds himself in a tricky situation. Just like in a Marvel movie, riders will feel all the excitement as they help him escape the danger, according to a statement sent to the Global Times by the Shanghai Disney Resort on Monday.

Disney is broadening its audience with new projects. Traditionally catering to family visitors, they're now bringing in Marvel to attract more adults, aiming for a more all-ages crowd, Wang Jinwei, a professor at the School of Tourism Sciences at Beijing International Studies University, told the Global Times on Monday.

"The park's current rides are mild, so adding something more thrilling helps balance things out and offers a more complete experience," Wang added.  

On Sunday, during Disney's global fan expo, Hong Kong Disney Resort also announced its next expansion phase, revealing plans for a new Marvel-themed area and attractions. It also offered a first look at the concept art.  
The new announcements from both Disney resorts come less than a year after their latest themed areas opened, underscoring this US firm's continued investment in the Chinese market. 

In November 2023, the world's first "World of Frozen" area opened at Hong Kong Disney Resort, followed by the opening of the "Zootopia" themed land at Shanghai Disney Resort in December. 

"Theme parks can easily become outdated, leading to visitor fatigue," Wang said. "It's crucial to continuously introduce new attractions and adjust the product mix to maintain market appeal and draw in more visitors." 

Boosted by new themed areas, both resorts saw strong results in 2023. By December 20, 2023, Shanghai Disney Resort had attracted over 13 million visitors, a record high, according to China Tourism Academy. Hong Kong Disney Resort reported HK$5.7 billion ($729.6 million) in revenue for the 2023 fiscal year, up 156 percent, and its net loss fell to HK$356 million. Attendance rose 87 percent to 6.4 million, with per capita spending up 54 percent, according to the resort. 

"Shanghai Disney Resort was packed, and I spent over 800 yuan for a day visit, but it was worth it for the unique Disney experience. If they open a new themed area, I'd definitely be interested in visiting again," Jin Sheng, a Beijing resident, told the Global Times on Monday.

"Theme park consumption in China is expected to grow even stronger in the future, with the market shifting from being youth-centered to appealing to all age groups. We may even see more seniors enjoying these parks," Wang said.

Global Times

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