Understanding truth of China comes from being able to visit the country in person

'China Travel' boom. Illustration: Chen Xia/ GT

'China Travel' boom. Illustration: Chen Xia/ GT

Editor's Note:

Recently, many foreign vloggers and social media influencers have gained a lot of attention by sharing their insights from traveling to China. The China they see differs greatly from the one portrayed in Western media. US artist Danny Casale(Casale)is one of those recent overseas visitors coming to China. In an exclusive interview with the Global Times (GT), Casale shared insights into his travel experiences in China, his perspective on misinformation about China, and how his artistic works promote cultural exchanges between China and the US.

GT: You have created many animations related to China. How have fans from various countries responded to your creations about China? Why do you think your works are well-received?

Casale:I think the reception for those videos was well-received. There were a lot of fans who liked them, for example, on TikTok in the US. I also saw enthusiasm on Chinese platforms when those videos were uploaded. It was cool to see how they resonated with so many people.

My animations are friendly and peaceful. I apply the same philosophy to talking more about different cultures and discussing topics like the videos I create exploring Chinese history and current events. These topics may be information-packed, but combining them with simple visuals, entertaining skits, engaging storylines and humorous characters makes them easy to digest, enjoyable to watch and conducive to learning.

I believe art is the unifying force that brings together people from diverse backgrounds, cultures and languages. Real-life connections are vital in this process. It's why I wake up every morning: to create art that brings people together, put their differences aside and form new friendships that might not otherwise happen.

GT: Most of your works about China seem to present a different view from mainstream Western narratives. In an atmosphere where anti-China sentiment is politically correct, do you feel pressure because of your works? How do you cope with this pressure? As an American influencer, are you concerned about being labeled as pro-China?

Casale:My art always brings any topic back to the human element. The entertainment factor in my comedy and the elements that naturally come with my videos are very neutral and non-political, so I'm not worried about any of that. Personally, it's pretty cool that through my art shows, events and the people I meet, I get to organically learn more about Chinese culture, food, music and history. It's natural for artists to express their life experiences through their work, and I believe that's what I'm doing with my animations. I hope people enjoy it and perhaps learn something new.

GT: You have created works related to China. During your creative process, what aspects of China's development and achievements have impressed you the most?

Casale:That one was really the Mombasa-Nairobi [railway] project. I would say that's my favorite one that I've researched so far. The railway was particularly interesting to me when I first heard about it because of its impact on travel, consideration for the environment, and concern for the well-being of people and animals. When I first learned about it, I thought it was incredible that these structures were built high enough so that animals, especially giraffes, can cross underneath comfortably. It is amazing that such care was taken in its construction.

GT: Your animation "Snakes Have Legs" satirizes misinformation on the internet. Based on your understanding of China, can you talk about the misinformation about China on the internet?

Casale:"Snakes Have Legs" was about not believing everything you read on the internet, and taking it upon yourself to come to your own conclusions. It was about you, the human, looking out for yourself and making sure that you're not being swayed by others. 

As with traveling anywhere in the world, people say "Be careful" or "Be safe." It's natural to feel nervous or uncertain, especially when you go somewhere new in the world. But I've had nothing but the best experience with my Shanghai trip and now my Beijing trip. For me, I've been very pleasantly surprised with all the time I've spent in China. Everyone is super kind to me and takes excellent care of me. Even just this morning, we were walking around outside, getting coffee and some food, and everyone was very polite and very kind. I have nothing but very positive and beautiful experiences in China and I hope to come back for many more years. I hope that I can keep bringing my friends from New York and Los Angeles to join me in the future.

GT: For those who believe in misinformation about China on the internet or view China with a biased perspective, what advice would you give them to understand the truth if you had the chance?

Casale:I think a lot comes from being able to visit in person. The ability to travel, be open to learning new things, meet new people, shake hands and give hugs - that's been my experience. My experience of coming to China, visiting Beijing and Shanghai, and actually being able to walk around, meet people, sit at coffee shops or bars, listen to music and make new friends in a foreign place has taught me so much and greatly influenced my perception. I plan to continue visiting and learning about new places in China.

GT: Your work has played a role in promoting cultural exchange between China and the US. How do you think cultural exchange between the two countries can be better promoted? In what ways can your works affect your audience for this?

Casale:I would say exactly that - being sure that you're allowing yourself to be open and learning new things and travel to new places. I've always been of the philosophy that hearing people out and listening to people's stories is really important. Who knows, by the end of that conversation, you might make a new friend, and maybe your differences aren't so big after all. 

I hope to keep coming back to China and continue learning more about how rapidly culture, entertainment, art and music are evolving in such a fascinating and powerful direction. That's the most potent force, in my opinion, for bringing people together not just in China but around the world.

The best learning happens when you're entertained and don't even realize that you're learning. I believe that people can naturally learn and discover new information, fun facts and history lessons that they otherwise wouldn't have known. I'll continue to focus on ensuring people have fun as my main priority. If you happen to learn something in the process, that's even better. That's how I plan to cover more topics and information, and perhaps encourage people to visit Shanghai, Beijing or wherever I go next.

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