Internship program takes HK youth on an in

Hong Kong students take part in a field trip at the Wuyishan National Park in East China's Fujian Province.  Photo: Courtesy the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Hong Kong students take part in a field trip at the Wuyishan National Park in East China's Fujian Province. Photo: Courtesy the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

In a bid to provide young Hong Kong students with first-handed experience at core institutions like the Palace Museum in Beijing, a "special internship program" has been launched by the Government and the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau of China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) during this year's summer holiday season. 

What makes this program "special" is not only its diverse scope of creating roles for young people in the culture, ecology and science sectors, but also its goal to transform such programs into bridges connecting young Hong Kong's generations to the Chinese mainland's modern yet historical cultural reality.

Hong Kong students learn about the ocean on a scientific research ship in Qingdao, East China's Shandong Province. Photo: Courtesy the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Hong Kong students learn about the ocean on a scientific research ship in Qingdao, East China's Shandong Province. Photo: Courtesy the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Sense of participation

In July and August, around 110 Hong Kong students enrolled as interns at six institutions including the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Dunhuang Academy, and the ­Wuyishan National Park. 

Of the opportunities on offer, internship spots at the Palace Museum in Beijing were the "most desirable," attracting many young applicants even from non-cultural heritage related backgrounds, the Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs Bureau Clarence Leung Wang Ching told the Global Times. 

Li Huixian Hannah, a 24-year-old graduate from Hong Kong, who secured one of the coveted spots at the Palace Museum, told the Global Times that as a Chinese history buff, she stood out from dozens of other applicants and grabbed the opportunity to work and experience the "home" of emperors like Yongzheng and Kangxi, who, until now, were just historical figures in literature.  

During her six-week stint at the Palace Museum, Li was engaged in writing and translating documents related to the museum's cultural artefacts, and also contributed some ideas to aid in the design of the museum's creative spin-offs. 

Chan Chun Hong John and Chan Ying Yuk Miki also successfully registered for the internship project at the Palace Museum. 

Miki, having studied history at the Hong Kong Baptist University, was seconded to the department of architecture. 

"I joined the restoration project of the Fengxian Palace that researches the structure of ancient architectural structures for better conservation. I scrolled through some monographs regarding the ancient buildings and learned many different things in addition to what I was taught in class, information that is far more practical in restoring cultural relics," the young student said.

John, who works at the department of publicity and education, told the Global Times that the internship project inspired him to make good use of his good translating skills to deliver accurate information about Chinese cultural relics to visitors worldwide. 

Following the internship program's "one apprentice with one tutor" scheme, the first-hand experience gained by such young interns has facilitated their seamless integration into the detailed mechanisms of Chinese cultural organizations. 

Leung told the Global Times that such designs can make them "see clearer about their career passions and orientations" while also letting young students know the "diverse range of jobs in culture-related industries." 

As a law major, Li's experience resonates with Leung's insight. She told the Global Times that although she had chosen to pursue a career in the field of law, her internship experience has inspired her to focus more on "law related to conservation of cultural relics and heritages" in future as she found that there are no special laws aimed at preserving and protecting ancient architectural structures in HKSAR. 

"Our program aims to train talents for niche sectors in different industries. Those talents can be very powerful in helping in social and cultural growth. Meanwhile, our society should nurture their talents through launching such internship programs," Leung told the Global Times. 

He also emphasized that the relationship between young workers and opportunities in society should be "reciprocal." 

Hong Kong students take part in a training session at the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, Northwest China's Gansu Province.   Photo: Courtesy the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Hong Kong students take part in a training session at the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, Northwest China's Gansu Province. Photo: Courtesy the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

More than tours

Noting internship programs such as those currently on offer are "opportunities to shape one's worldview," cultural sociologist Xu Shuming told the Global Times that the increased number of such programs in recent year have allowed young people in Hong Kong to "see China's modern growth with their own eyes."  

In May, a total of 1,000 students in Hong Kong received internship opportunities in mainland cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hefei and Wuxi. These students, according to their own professions, were allocated to companies in various industries like business administration, education, medicine, and law. 

Li Zixuan is one such example. As a student from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Li's internship with a bank in Shanghai has been eye-opening, introducing her to the Chinese mainland's policies in promoting the green finance mechanism. She said that such an experience has left her with a firm dedication to the country's public service. 

"In-depth internships in the Chinese mainland can strengthen the conviction of young people in Hong Kong in the country's growth and also boost their cultural confidence," Xu told the Global Times. He also emphasized that there should be "two-way" exchanges.

"We are planning and also eagerly looking forward to the launch of exchange programs that invite young people from the Chinese mainland to study, work, and live in Hong Kong," Leung said. He also remarked that the "friendship" between young people from the mainland and Hong Kong are important. 

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