Hong Kong Eastern, Macau Black Bears join East Asia Super League

The<strong></strong> East Asia Super League (EASL) has announced a significant expansion for the 2024-25 season, with Hong Kong Eastern and the Macau Black Bears joining the competition. Photo: Courtesy of EASL offical

The East Asia Super League (EASL) has announced a significant expansion for the 2024-25 season, with Hong Kong Eastern and the Macau Black Bears joining the competition. Photo: Courtesy of EASL offical

The East Asia Super League (EASL) has announced a significant expansion for the 2024-25 season, with Hong Kong Eastern and Macau Black Bears joining the competition. This addition brings the number of teams in the league to ten, marking the first time the Greater Bay Area in South China will host a full season of EASL action.

Hong Kong Eastern, the reigning A1 Division champions and two-time ASEAN Basketball League winners, will compete in Group A. They will face formidable opponents including Hiroshima Dragonflies, Suwon KT Sonicboom, Taoyuan Pauian Pilots, and San Miguel Beermen. 

Macau Black Bears, established in 2018 and current Macau Basketball League champions, are placed in Group B. They will compete against the Ryukyu Golden Kings, Busan KCC Egis, New Taipei Kings, and Meralco Bolts.

EASL CEO Henry Kerins highlighted the league's expansion as a major step forward, driven by strong regional demand. He emphasized the inclusion of two prominent teams from China's Greater Bay Area, which is one of the largest basketball markets in the world. 

Fans can look forward to thrilling matchups as these teams challenge the existing lineup from Chinese Taipei, Japan, Korea, and the Philippines.

“The EASL is getting bigger and it’s getting better. It was always our ambition to expand and bring in more leagues, representing more regions in Asia. We have accelerated those plans due to the strong demand from the regional leagues to join, and their readiness to do so,” he noted.

Hong Kong Eastern Team Leader Wilson Choi expressed excitement about representing Hong Kong at the highest level, as well as ambitions to establish the team as a major force in Asian basketball. 

Macau Black Bears’ Lukas Peng noted the team’s recent success and commitment to competing strongly in the EASL, while proudly representing Macao and the Greater Bay Area.

Following a successful debut season in 2023-24, the EASL is set to continue its historic run with an expanded schedule and new commercial partnerships. 

Fans will have more opportunities than ever to watch live as the league grows its global audience. The full game schedule and arena venues for the new teams will be announced in the coming weeks.

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