A dance troupe’s efforts in strengthening China

Performers of Abbe Dance Group stage a dance show.

Performers of Abbe Dance Group stage a dance show.

A dance troupe staged a performance that integrated elements of Chinese and African folk dances at the opening ceremony gala show of the just-concluded 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation held in Beijing.

Amid lively, rhythmic drumbeats, dancers from China and Africa, dressed in their respective traditional costumes, entertained the crowds with the performance titled "Drums and Dance," which brought together African dance and the Ansai waist drum from Northwest China's Shaanxi Province. The energetic, joyful, and celebratory performance showcased the vitality and passion of the people of China and Africa.

The performance was created by Chinese performing artist Jiang Keyu and African dancer Abbe Simon who are founders of the Abbe Dance Group. 

Jiang told the Global Times on Sunday that she is proud of the group's performance at the high-level meeting between the China and Africa and the role the group has played in facilitating the people-to-people exchanges between the two sides.

"It's our second performance at the summit since 2018. Abbe Simon and I have actively promoted African culture in China through various cultural and artistic projects, utilizing the wisdom of the East to support the growth of young African artists," Jiang noted. "Our efforts aim to build a bridge for cultural exchanges and learning between China and Africa."

During the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival holidays from September 15 to 17, the group is set to begin an eight-day tour to 8 cities including Beijing's neighbor Tianjin, and cities in East China's Jiangsu province, featuring a special performance titled "African Dance, Dance Together!" 

Several well-known dancers and musicians from Cameroon have been invited to provide an authentic African dance and music experience, specifically tailored to children. 

As China's first original family-friendly interactive African dance performance, it takes the audience on a cultural journey across Africa, showcasing iconic dance traditions from various regions, such as North African music and the South African Ukusina or leg-up dances. 

The production aims to create an immersive and educational experience for both children and adults, allowing them to engage with Africa's rich and diverse cultural heritage, according to Jiang. 

Jiang Keyu (center) instructs African dancers in Cameroon. Photos: Courtesy of Jiang Keyu

Jiang Keyu (center) instructs African dancers in Cameroon. Photos: Courtesy of Jiang Keyu

Common ground

Through these great performances, the troupe has become a key symbol and practitioner of the deepening friendship and cultural ties between China and 

Africa. The blend of classic African and Chinese dance elements in their performances highlights the vibrant collaboration between the two sides.

Jiang, a girl who is from Southwest China's Guizhou Province and studied ethnic group dances from an early age, said that although China and Africa are geographically distant, their traditional dances share many similarities, particularly in their expression of the connection between concepts such as heaven, Earth, and humanity. 

"Both African and Chinese folk dances serve as powerful forms of storytelling that reflect the harmony and dialogue between nature and people. By blending African rhythms with Chinese folk traditions, we can create performances that highlight the cultural bridges between China and African countries," she said. 

In Abbe's view, the "stomping" steps in African dance draw strength from the Earth, a concept also reflected in similar expressions found in the dance traditions of China's Wa and Tibetan ethnic groups.

Bigger stage

In 2005, Jiang got to know Cameroonian dancer Abbe, who later became her husband, during a China-Cameroon cultural exchange initiative. Jiang and another Chinese choreographer were tasked with revitalizing the nearly bankrupt Cameroon National Ballet. Abbe was one of the 27 local dancers selected for the program. 

After three years of dedicated training, the Cameroon National Ballet successfully recovered and performed in notable events. 

In 2008, this revitalized dance troupe performed an original dance titled "The Beauty of Black" during the "Africa Night" event during the Beijing Olympic Games. 

"It was my first journey to Africa and that experience played a significant role in my personal development. I had the opportunity to learn the different culture and dance with the locals in my 20s," Jiang recalled. 

"African dance is distinctive in its expressive body movements and dynamic physical coordination. Although the local facilities lag behind those in China, the young dancers' sense of joy and dedication is truly inspiring. I think they deserve to showcase their talents on bigger stages," she said. 

They established the dance troupe after their marriage, with branches in both China and Cameroon, aiming to build a platform to deepen the people-to-people exchanges between China and Africa.

"Our vision is to nurture and cultivate a new generation of dance talents from both China and Africa, empowering them to explore and deeply understand the rich and diverse cultural landscapes of both regions," Jiang said. 

Over the last 12 years since its founding, the dance troupe has visited several countries worldwide. Such countries include France, the UK, Japan, and Singapore. 

They hope to contribute more to the cultural exchanges between China and Africa by sharing their experiences and artistic achievements.

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