Celebrations held nationwide to mark CPC's 103rd birthday

People visit the Memorial of the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s First National Congress in Shanghai on July 1,<strong></strong> which marks the 103rd founding anniversary of the CPC. The founding fathers of the CPC secretly convened the first National Congress of the CPC in the two-story brick-and-wood building in downtown Shanghai in 1921. The building was turned into a memorial site in 1952 and continues to be a patriotic education base and popular tourist attraction in Shanghai. Photo: VCG

People visit the Memorial of the Communist Party of China (CPC)'s First National Congress in Shanghai on July 1, which marks the 103rd founding anniversary of the CPC. The founding fathers of the CPC secretly convened the first National Congress of the CPC in the two-story brick-and-wood building in downtown Shanghai in 1921. The building was turned into a memorial site in 1952 and continues to be a patriotic education base and popular tourist attraction in Shanghai. Photo: VCG

Paying visits to museums and historical sites in Shanghai and Beijing that chronicle the CPC's pursuit of Chinese people's happiness, renewing vows during patrol duties in the South China Sea, singing revolutionary songs and receiving the Party emblems while patrolling the border in Northwest China's Xinjiang region.

On Monday, various activities were held across China to celebrate the 103rd founding anniversary of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

With nearly 100 million members, the CPC is set to embark on a new phase of profound reforms aimed at guiding 1.4 billion Chinese people toward a better life and advancing Chinese modernization. Analysts point to the upcoming third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee scheduled to be held in Beijing from July 15 to 18, as being a significant milestone for the CPC to lead Chinese people to further pursue national development and rejuvenation. 

"It is my will to join the Communist Party of China..." In Shanghai, the CPC's birthplace, hundreds of new Party members read the Party admission oath in unison at the Memorial of the CPC's First National Congress, with their right fists clenched and placed next to their ears.

Along with the solemn oath-taking ceremony, a series of activities were held at the memorial on Monday morning to celebrate the 103rd founding anniversary of the CPC, including a national flag raising ceremony, poetry reading, and song and dance performances.

Many Shanghai residents, of different age groups, participated in the activities and visited the memorial on the day, to learn about the CPC's continuous efforts for the peace and development of China, and for the better lives for the Chinese people. 

Resident Zeng Feng, 65, went to the memorial with his wife early in the morning specifically for the celebrations. "Over the past 103 years, the Communist Party of China has gone through trials and tribulations, working hard to unite and lead the people forward," Zeng told the Global Times in the memorial. 

Both Zeng and his wife have been CPC members for more than 30 years. "We feel honored and confident to have such a strong party leading our country to prosperity and great rejuvenation," said Zeng.

A series of activities have also been held in border areas in the Xinjiang and Xizang regions in recent days to celebrate the 103rd founding anniversary of the CPC. 

On Thursday, police officers from the Ying'ate border police station of Aksu prefecture in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region celebrated the anniversary with border guards who are stationed at the Zhendan mountain pass, which is located at an altitude of over 3,800 meters. 

Tursun Shader, a 37-year-old border guard and also a CPC member from the station, said that "July 1 marks the 103rd birthday of the Party. I deeply feel that the Party's leadership has brought us the happiness and prosperity we enjoy today. As a border guard, in my daily work, I will continue to diligently protect our borders and safeguard our homeland."

On Sunday, in Medog county, Nyingchi, Southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region, a spectacular gala of "red song" performances was staged in the center of the township, with people being reminded of their duty to defend the border area and build their hometown. 

The county also simultaneously carried out activities such as cultural performances and border patrols, the Global Times learned from the local government. Medog, the last county in China to have highway access, has now become a popular destination for tourists.

In Yadong county, Xigaze, which borders Bhutan and India, various celebratory activities were also held. Besides holding promotional activities and visiting patriotic education bases, local leaders and Party members visited veteran Party members, including Tenzin Gyalpo, who was presented with a special holiday gift - the "50 Years of Glory in the Party" Commemorative Medal.

"This is a great honor, and also a responsibility. Although I have retired, my identity as a Party member never retires. I will carry this honor and continue to do my best, setting an example for young Party members and officials," Tenzin Gyalpo said.

Recently, officers of the China Coast Guard (CCG) aboard the Wanshan 3301 vessel, who are on patrol duty in the South China Sea, also held an unforgettable celebration. On board, members renewed their Party admission oath, watched "red movies," shared stories of Party history, and experienced the revolutionary ancestors' passion and noble beliefs. 

New task to better serve the people 

The 103rd anniversary of the founding of the CPC is not just a numerical milestone, it also commemorates the rare significance and influence of a centenarian party on the global political stage, analysts said. 

They noted that throughout its century-long journey, the CPC has weathered countless storms and challenges, always demonstrating courage, steadfastness, and composure, continuously advancing forward with the Chinese people. This political character and resilience define the CPC's essence and embody its perpetual spirit of progress. Therefore, the 103-year journey is not only a celebration of the past but also an expectation for the future, showcasing the CPC's increasing vitality and vigor.

According to a CPC statistical report released on Sunday, the number of CPC members reached 99.185 million as of the end of 2023, up 1.2 percent year-on-year. Among the 2.408 million new members in 2023, 82.4 percent are aged 35 or younger.

As the CPC's membership grows, the emphasis has shifted toward maintaining member quality over quantity. While grass-roots Party organizations have involved various social aspects, with nearly 100 million members, it's essential to uphold stringent admission standards and select individuals who will devote themselves to the cause of the CPC and the Chinese people, Su Wei, a professor from the Party School of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, told the Global Times on Monday.

The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee will be held in Beijing from July 15 to 18. Some analysts reached by the Global Times said it will further demonstrate the Party's leadership and provide clear direction and impetus for the country's development to modernization against the backdrop of global disruptions, economic downturns, and unprecedented global changes. 

The core of Chinese modernization and the primary advantage of socialism with Chinese characteristics lie in the CPC's leadership, said Su, adding that the CPC leadership integrates immediate and long-term interests, as well as local and national concerns, laying a sustainable path for ecological and social development. 

Moreover, China, with a population of 1.4 billion people, would find it challenging to succeed amid Western suppression without the leadership of the CPC. "It's akin to navigating in the ocean: Without the Party's guidance, China could disperse like loose sand and would have to struggle to compete with the capitalist powerhouse," said Su. 

As a party with nearly 100 million members tasked with leading Chinese modernization and rejuvenation, the CPC also confronts challenges, particularly in combating corruption, analysts said. 

Recent reports on senior corrupt officials in certain key sectors have underscored the need for all Party members to advance the Party's self-revolution vigorously. Only through continual self-purification, improvement, renewal, and elevation can the Party uphold its progress and integrity, effectively navigate challenges, and ensure the long-term stability and growth of both the Party and the country, said Su. 

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